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Benefits of using Would You Rather activities in Upper Elementary

By MARISSA DESPINS Updated April 11, 2024

Engaging students in challenging yet fun activities can be a hard task for any teacher, but using “Would You Rather” writing prompts in upper elementary is an excellent way to get kids involved and excited about learning. Not only are Would You Rather activities fun and interactive, but they also provide many educational and developmental benefits.

Would You Rather activities can be a great way to get upper elementary students excited about learning and engaging in creative thinking. With these activities, educators have the opportunity to introduce new topics, review old material, and encourage collaboration between students. Not only do such activities help keep kids interested, but they also have the potential to spark imagination and critical thinking.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of using these types of writing prompts in your upper elementary classroom!

Crunched for time? Grad the FREE Valentine’s Day Would You Rather activity by clicking here (or read through to the bottom of the post!)

What are the benefits of Would You Rather activities?

Read on for some of the key benefits of introducing Would You Rather activities in your classroom!

Would You Rather Activities Foster Communication and Problem Solving Skills

For starters, these types of activities encourage higher-level thinking skills such as problem solving, logical reasoning, judgment, and decision making skills. By posing tough questions that require the participants to make a choice between two seemingly equal options, students have to analyze their choices carefully before making a decision. Furthermore, these kinds of tasks help foster creative thinking because they often involve coming up with unique solutions or answers.

In addition to helping build critical thinking skills, Would You Rather activities also teach children how to respect other people’s opinions and accept different points of view without feeling threatened. This is especially important for upper elementary students who are on the verge of transitioning into adolescent life where the ability to form meaningful relationships lies at the center of its growth and development.

Would You Rather Prompts Encourage Collaboration

Another benefit of using Would You Rather activities is that it encourages student collaboration. As children play together and come up with ideas for each scenario presented, they’ll develop communication skills and learn how to work together towards a common goal. This type of activity helps build teamwork among classmates and strengthens relationship building skills that are invaluable as children grow older.

STEM Activities are also great for encouraging collaboration. To read more about STEM, check out our posts for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween!

Would You rather Activities help make Writing Fun and Engaging

Finally, using Would You Rather style writing prompts help keep kids engaged for longer periods of time compared to traditional instruction strategies. In this way, teachers can cover more material in a given class period while still making sure everyone has had an enjoyable learning experience!

For more ideas for boosting classroom engagement, check out these top tips!

All in all, Would You Rather prompts are an innovative way to make learning fun and effective for upper elementary students. By introducing new topics or reviewing previously taught content while fostering creativity, developing communication skills, encouraging problem-solving abilities, and strengthening relationships – these types of activities give students the ability to enhance their knowledge while having a good time!

For more fun writing activities, check out our posts on descriptive writing, Blackout Poetry, and the RACE strategy!

Looking for some FREE Would You Rather Writing Prompts to use with your Learners?

Grab a copy of this FREE Valentine’s Day “Would You Rather” activity by clicking here or on the image below!

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