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30 Creative Ways For teens to Show Kindness

By MARISSA DESPINS Updated Dec 4, 2023

Ways for teens to show kindness

Teaching kindness is one of the most important tasks for any teacher or parent to undertake. Having a strong foundation of understanding and practicing kindness sets children up for success as they grow and develop into adulthood. Kindness has wide-ranging benefits in all facets of life, from cultivating positive relationships between peers to learning how to be respectful and courteous in different situations. However, brainstorming ways for teens to show kindness can some times be a daunting task.

Have no fear! Check out this big list of creative ways for teen to teens to show kindness below!

For a downloadable copy of this list to use with your learners, click here or on the image or button below!

Ways for Teens to Show Kindness

30 Creative Ways for Teens to Show Kindness

•Stand up for someone being bullied or teased.

•Invite someone to sit with you at lunch or hang out with you after school.

•Be kind to our planet by not littering and picking up trash when you see it on the ground.

•Say “good morning” to adults you see in the building.

•Be a supportive ear when a friend in having a bad day.

•Help a friend study for an upcoming test.

•Volunteer to read to a younger student or sibling.

•Give a sincere compliment to a friend.

•Give a sincere compliment to a stranger.

•Call or visit an elderly family member.

•Volunteer to help with a school event.

•Volunteer to help the teacher clean up the classroom after school.

•Let someone go ahead of you in line.

•Share your snack with someone who doesn’t have one.

•Volunteer to help your teacher carry their bags to the car.

•Help raise money for a charitable organization of your choice.

•Mail a kind note to a friend.

•Send a kind text to a family member.

•Send a kind email to a teacher.

•Hold the door open for someone.

•Go through your pantry and donate extra food to the food bank.

•Go through your closet and donate clothes you no longer wear to the homeless.

•Clean your room and donate the things you do not use to those in need.

•Introduce yourself to a student you do not know.

•Tell someone how much you appreciate them.

•Tell your family how much you love them. 

•Make a homemade gift for someone.

•Thank the janitor and secretary for all they do in the school.

•Do the dishes or tidy up at home.

•Help a friend or sibling with their homework.

Want a Printable copy of this list of ways for teens to show kindness?

Click here or on the image below to download a copy of this list that you can share with your learners!

Ways for Teens to Show Kindness

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