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Christmas Activities for Middle School Students

By MARISSA DESPINS Updated Nov 29, 2024

Favorite Christmas Activities for Middle School Students

Well, it is a few days past Remembrance Day (Veterans Day), which means it is officially time to start thinking about the holidays! In Canada, our Thanksgiving is in November, which means that as soon as Remembrance Day is done, we are 100% in Christmas mode. To kickstart the holiday season, I thought I would pop on her today to share two of my favorite Christmas activities for Middle School students.

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Favorite Christmas Activities for Middle School Students

1- Holiday Short Stories

Reading aloud The Gift of the Magi by O’Henry is definitely my favorite Christmas activities for middle school students. It is the perfect holiday story to read along with my students around Christmas time. The story revolves around a couple who are very much in love and are trying to find the perfect gifts for each other. Financial hardships make gift purchasing difficult, leading them both to make sacrifices for each other. It is a beautiful story about selflessness and giving, and really embodies the true spirit of Christmas.

If you are not familiar with the story, you can listen to it read aloud here:

The Gift of the Magi   Storybook Read Aloud

I have been teaching this story with my middle school learners for several years, and it is always a favorite. Recently I have had my students create comprehension pennants to go along with the story. I love how they contain work that is holiday themed but still rigorous. Also, they make gorgeous Christmas hallway displays!

Favorite Christmas Activities for Middle School Students

Students simply use the included close reading resources to help them answer the questions on the template. Then, they can color, cut out, and assemble their pennants. We hung ours in the hallway for parents to check out on the way to the Christmas assembly!

Interested in reading more about short story ideas for middle school learners? Check out our posts on favorite short stories for middle school, holiday short story favorites, and inclusive and diverse short stories!

Looking for a list of public domain short stories that you can access online for free? Click on the image or button below to download our free list! It contains 25 of our favorites public domain short stories for middle school, with links to online versions of the stories!

Public domain short stories suitable for middle school students.

2- Holiday Story Writing

Creative writing is another of my favorite Christmas activities for middle school students. I find that it keeps a bit of the crazies at bay, as it asks students to focus and write quietly. These holiday descriptive writing activities are always a hit, as they prevent students from getting stuck when it comes to deciding what to write about. You won’t hear the dreaded “I don’t know what to write!” with these activities!

First, I shuffle the stacks of cards. There are different cards for different literary elements – conflict, character, and setting. There are also cards for bonus fun items. I separate the cards into piles and let students choose a few from each stack.

Favorite Christmas Activities for Middle School Students

Because students have the cards to base their stories on, everyone has a solid story to write about.

Next, students use the included literary elements notes on plot, conflict, character, and setting to help them plan out their stories. We use the planning pages and blank plot diagram to draft out our stories before starting our good copies.

Favorite Christmas Activities for Middle School Students

When the stories are complete, we make covers and bind the pages together with Christmas ribbon. These make great parent gifts for the students to take home!

For additional writing fun, check out our complete guide to descriptive writing!

Interested in checking out some of the resources mentioned in this post?

Pop on over to Teacher Pay Teachers by clicking on the images below to snag some of the fun Christmas activities mentioned in this post.

Looking for more ways to simplify your December Planning?

Click on the image or button below to download our FREE December planning guide. It comes complete with calendar pages, book lists, teaching tips, activity ideas, creative worksheets, and more!

December Teacher Planning Guide cover, featuring a decorated Christmas tree with lights, a section on holiday classroom games, and text indicating "40 pages" of info and activities—plus ideas for stocking stuffers for teachers.

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