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Veterans Day Poems

By MARISSA DESPINS Updated Oct 31, 2023

Veterans Day Poems for upper elementary and Middle School

Veterans Day is a significant and solemn occasion that allows us to honor the sacrifices and service of our military veterans. It’s an opportunity to teach our students not only about the historical significance of the day but also the values of patriotism, gratitude, and empathy. One effective way to impart these lessons is through Veterans Day Poems.

Veterans Day Poems

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of teaching about Veterans Day and why poetry serves as a compelling educational tool to achieve this goal.

Looking for a COMPLETE unit for teaching Veterans Day poems? Click on the image or button below to snag the resource!

Veterans Day Poems

Why should I teach my students about Veterans Day?

Veterans Day is a time to honor and remember the brave men and women who have served in the armed forces. It’s also an opportunity for teachers to instill a sense of patriotism and gratitude in their students. Read on for some of the top reasons I believe it is so important to include information about Veterans Day in your classroom curriculum.

Veterans Day Activities

Honoring our Heroes

Teaching about Veterans Day is a way to express our collective gratitude and respect for those who have served in the armed forces. It helps students understand the significance of their sacrifices and the courage it takes to protect our freedoms.

Civic Responsibilty

Veterans Day provides an opportunity to discuss the concept of civic responsibility. By learning about the sacrifices made for our country, students can better understand their role as responsible citizens.

Understanding History

Veterans Day is closely tied to historical events such as World War I and II, the Korean War, and more. Teaching about this day allows students to connect with the past and gain insight into the impact of these events on our world.

Fostering Empathy

It’s essential for students to develop empathy and an appreciation for diverse experiences. Learning about veterans and their stories can help students understand the challenges and triumphs of military life.

veterans day poems – valuable teaching tools

Poetry is a valuable teaching tool for teaching about Veterans Day. Teaching war poetry during the month of November is a great way to fit topics related to Veterans Day into your existing classroom curriculum for a variety of reasons.

Veterans Day Activities

Veterans day poems encourage emotional connection

Poetry has a unique ability to evoke emotions and create a connection with the subject matter. It can make the experiences of veterans more vivid and relatable to students.

Poetry conveys deep meaning in condensed ways

Poems often convey deep meaning in a concise form. They challenge students to analyze and interpret the text, fostering critical thinking skills.

Veterans day poems express diverse perspectives

Poetry comes in various forms, styles, and voices. This diversity allows teachers to select poems that offer a broad range of perspectives, giving students a more comprehensive understanding of veterans’ experiences.

Poetry has access points for all learners

Poetry can be easily adapted to different age groups and learning levels. There are poems suitable for elementary school through high school, making it a versatile tool for teachers.

veterans day poems in the classroom

Looking for some age appropriate Veterans Day poems you can use with your learners? This resource comes with full text versions of 11 different poems, with built in annotation activities to help students practice their close reading skills. It also includes graphic organizers, poetry analysis task cards, and a giant pennant project. Completed projects make gorgeous hallway or bulletin board displays to showcase student learning about Veterans Day!

Grab a copy of this resource to use with your learners by clicking on the image or button below!

Veterans Day Poems

Looking for more information for teaching about veterans day in the classroom?

Check out the related blog post below!

Veterans Day Activities for Elementary

Additionally, as we approach Thanksgiving, you might find our Thanksgiving Coloring Pages and Thanksgiving Activities for Elementary useful for integrating holiday themes into your curriculum.

Grab a free resource for teaching about Veterans Day!

Click on the image or button below to grab this complete set of Veterans Day coloring pages! It comes with 7 different coloring pages related to Veterans Day that you can print and use in your classroom right away!

Veterans Day Poems

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